Weekly Update Note

While not advertised much, Songlytics for Spotify crawls your playlists once a week and update the list of songs tracked for you. This wasn't a big deal a year ago, but now there are enough users that this process takes more than a week! to complete. Spotify rate...

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Top 50 SongLytics Tracked Songs

As SongLytics has eclipsed its first year, I thought I'd figure out what the most popular songs have been this year. The criteria is not the most plays, it is the most people playing the song. Here is the list! Let me know what surprises you see! I'm going to go...

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12 Million Songs Tracked!

My quite little side project is now over a year old. However, SongLytics is slowly picking up steam. My program now tracks over 12 Million songs for thousands of users, which is just crazy and while I've not been posting here very often, I'm constantly fixing bugs and...

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What is a SongLytics Library?

I got asked by a customer today, what is a SongLytics library? I was throwing around this term as it has jelled in my head, but the person astutely brought to my attention that this doesn't make sense to anyone else on earth yet. So let's give defining this term a go....

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Server Updates

While no user has mentioned this, it has come to my attention that my server is no longer adding plays from Play Music, Pandora, etc, to your Spotify playlists. After some digging, I found an issue in my code that has rendered this feature useless for a few months....

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Discover Weekly + SongLytics

Spotify has a playlist featuring new recommendations called "Discover Weekly". If you're like me, you've seen it for a while, but thought, "Why do I want to listen to a playlist about space?", alluded to by the astronaut picture. Seriously, what's up with that?  ...

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What is SongLytics?

What is SongLytics? Well, it is my, (Hi, I'm Justin Tipton of JRT Studio), latest project. I want to gather all of my music listening data, and then use it to do cool stuff! That's about it. A simple idea that has created tons of work and kept me busy for months....

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