Playlist Maker for Spotify
Enhance Spotify with Playlist Make. At its core Playlist Maker is about your listening analytics. From how many times you’ve heard a song (and how recently) to skip counts, one-star through five-star ratings and more! Playlist Maker for Spotify gives you the power to use these stats to make amazing Spotify playlists tailored to your listening.
Project Details
App Playlist Maker for Spotify
Released March 2016
Tags Music, Spotify, Playlists
Link Become a tester!

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With our preset playlists, slider playlists, and advanced playlists, we give you the tools to enjoy your music the way you want. Too busy to listen to that new Drake cd? Set up a playlist to hear unplayed music. Only want the hits? Set up a 5 star playlist and rate music as you listen!